Check if you need to declare income from selling personal possessions, goods or services online, creating online content or renting out property using digital platforms.
You may need to tell HMRC if you receive income through an online marketplace or social media. This could be whether it’s your main source of income or an additional source — sometimes called a ‘side hustle’.
Income could be money, gifts or services you have received from:
- selling personal possessions
- selling goods
- providing a service
- creating online content
- renting out land or property
Selling personal possessions
Personal possessions are items that belong to you for your own use. You may have bought them or received them as a gift.
Personal possessions might include things like:
- clothing
- ornaments
- kitchen equipment
- table and chairs
- jewellery
- computers and phones
If you’re only selling personal possessions you’ll probably not have to pay Income Tax on these. However, depending on the items you sell and how much you sell them for, you may need to pay Capital Gains Tax. This applies to selling personal possessions where the item is worth more than £6,000.
This tool will help you work out whether you need to tell HMRC about this income.